Panasonic KV-5076H SCANNER
Scanning is one of several options to load documents into WiseTREND solutions such as ABBYY FlexiCapture and ABBYY Recognition Server. If shopping for a new scanner, we encourage to get a scanner brand that you like, have easy access to parts and service, and most importantly that the scanner fits the job requirements by size and productivity. Going one size larger is a good idea for longevity of the hardware.
Panasonic KV-5076H is an inexpensive yet powerful scanner for scanning documents into WiseTREND solutions such as ABBYY FlexiCapture and ABBYY Recognition Server. Panasonic KV-S5076H – a faster 100 ppm scanner, smaller desk footprint, with 3-year warranty included. This is an award-winning scanner – Editors’ Choice by PC Magazine. Also to my knowledge no other company provides such extended warranty at no extra cost. ABBYY’s FlexiCapture can use either a TWAIN, ISIS, or WIA Driver. At 400DPI the scanning speed will definitely reduce down somewhat but it is a typical expectation for most scanners and manufacturer. At 300DPI the speed is 100ppm.
Panasonic KV-5076H has imprinter available. This imprinter can have an alpha and number string that can be customized. Imprinter is an optional component as it is not used by many companies, thus it is purchased separately and added to these scanners only when needed. This physical Imprinter, # KV-SS014, is compatible and recommended for the suggested scanner. With the physical imprinter, you can modify the TWAIN Driver settings. It is possible to manually script as well. You would have to direct it at the actual INI File that the settings are contained. As long as you are able to modify the INI file in the proper location within the file, then it will work. The file isn’t protected so there should be no obstacles in the way of doing so. As you are probably aware, the INI file contains the configurations that the scanner operates on. Items such as Duplex, Color, Auto Image Orientation (etc) are all dictated by the INI File. You do not have to modify it via the application if you know where to look and what values to insert/change.
The applicable 3 year warranty is for the scanner to work to manufacture specifications for the 36 months or it will replaced by Panasonic. What is expected from the end user is normal roller cleaning and changing rollers when necessary. The roller cleaning default for the KV-S5076 is at 10,000 scans. However, with NRC forms, it’s recommended to clean more often to preserve the roller life. Average roller life with regular cleaning is 350,000 scans. The cleaning kit takes less than 5 minutes to do. The kit has lint free cloths that are treated. The cloth is used to clean the rollers. Panasonic also offers to buy preventative maintenance where they send out a tech to do it. The suggested retail price on that sku is $480 and that includes a cleaning and roller kit change. The roller kit change takes less than 1 minute. The cleaning kits are not included. The Cleaning kits, KV-SS03, retail for $21 and have 10 cloths in them.
Warranty brochure:
Service Manual:
Operating Manual: