
The Best OCR Software To Simplify Purchase Order Processing

In business, there are good problems to have and bad problems to have. Being overwhelmed with the number of purchase orders you need to process is a good problem, but if not solved could cost you money, which would be a really bad problem. That’s why you’re looking for the best OCR solution that cuts out much of the time required for manual data capture. WisePO is a plugin for the ABBYY FlexiCapture software that is specifically created for processing purchase orders.

When you have to manually capture, enter, and share information from purchase order forms, it can take many hours and require you to spend more money. With WisePO, you get the opportunity to increase your time efficiency and the accuracy with which you record information. Many businesses are switching to this automated data capture software, and the increased productivity provides incredible ROI.

ABBYY FlexiCapture & WisePO

ABBYY FlexiCapture software is an innovative software for capturing forms through automatic scanning, and WisePO is the plugin designed for purchase order forms. Trying to speed up your workflow can be difficult when much of your employee time is spent on manual data capture, entry, and distribution. WisePO automates the entire process and creates a better process for everyone in your business.

Is WisePO the Solution for Your Business?

Trying to figure out if WisePO is for you? Think about how much time your business is spending on the processing of purchase orders. If you have a significant intake of purchase order forms, then manually recording the data, entering it into the correct location, and transferring it to the proper channels, can take many hours. If you or your employees are having to spend late hours on this processing, you could be missing out on other things your business needs to do.

Instead of spending this time and money on manually processing purchase order forms, you could speed up the process with the best document scanning software on the market. ABBYY FlexiCapture paired with the WisePO plugin provides the fastest and most accurate processing tool for purchase order forms. The increased efficiency and accuracy will produce a better workflow and increase productivity. Find the best solution to your processing of purchase orders and start focusing on your next goal!

WisePO is the Best OCR Software for Increasing Productivity

Everyone is looking for ways to make their processes faster, more accurate, and more effective for their business. WisePO uses document scanning software to make the processing of purchase order forms quick, accurate, and efficient for your business. With the time this software saves your company, you will have a new capacity for growth and new ventures. If you are interested in finding out what the ROI would be when you adapt WisePO as a part of your processing, just contact WiseTREND today!